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If you are unsure whether you need editing services, ask yourself these three questions:


Has a professional editor evaluated my manuscript?

Have I verified my facts and references?

Is it original work?


We review and score based on:


Intended Audience (reading level, style, tone)

Literary Devices (metaphors and similes, foreshadowing, repetition)

Character Development

Dialogue and Narrative Flow

Description (use of imagery, setting)


Basic Edit:


  • Correct all grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

  • Correct minor errors in sentence structure and language rules.



Advanced Edit:



  • Correct all grammatical errors and punctuation.

  • Correct minor errors in sentence structure and language rules.

  • Point out inconsistencies throughout the manuscript.

  • Complete fact check of quotes and references.

  • Red-line markup in manuscript

(*Red flags mark areas for author's revision consideration, service Does NOT include re-writes of poorly written sentences or awkward phrasing.)



Content Edit:


  • Correct all grammatical errors and punctuation.

  • Correct all errors in sentence structure and language rules.

  • Point out inconsistencies throughout the manuscript.

  • Complete fact check of quotes and references.

  • Red-line markup and revision recommendations of poorly-written sentences and paragraphs as well as suggestions for further development.

  • Up to three telephone or in-person meetings for an hour each.



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